TINA B, The Prague Contemporary Art festival catalogue 2009

WRO 09 catalogue Wroclaw Poland 2009

For God´s Sake! catalogue. Exhibition Nova Gorica gallery Slovenia 2008

In Transition Russia, catalogue. Exhibition NCCA Ekaterinburg and Moscow 2008

Isolomania exhibition catalogue. Nimac Centre for contemporary Art Nicosia Cyprus 2008

d/art/07 Sydney Australia text about exhibition

Interview Framtidskonsten 2007

Book. Skånska Fotografer 1845 – 2005.
Publication made by Malmö Museum / Photographers from Skåne 1845 – 2005

Book Innehåll: Konst (Content: art) for the exhibition Samtidskonsten i fokus (Contemporary art in focus)
Dunkers Kulturhus Helsingborg Sweden 2003

Helsingborgs Dagblad april 2006
”My photoalbum”. Double-page spread interview

GöteborgsPosten 2004 Interview occupation: artist

Göteborgs Posten 7/10 2005
Review soloexhibition ”Capri” at Gothenburg Konstförening Mikael Olofsson

Review exhibition Ars Copenhagen. Helsingborgs dagblad 14/9-05

Colliere della Sera 17/7-05 by Francesco Durante

Colliere del Mezzogiorno July 2005 Success for Dana Exhibition at Villa San Michele, Capri Italy.

Göteborgs Posten 2/4-05
Whos paradise are we talking about? Review exhibition Today in Paradise Genetics and Art at Röda Sten Gothenburg 2005
Astrid von Rosen

Interview Göteborgs Posten 2004

Faktum magazine nr 34 2004

Foto magazine nr 7-8 2004

Helsingborgs Dagblad 31/12-03 Review exhibition ”Contemporary art in focus”

Review Dagens Nyheter 24/3-03 Billboard exhibition ”Women 2003” Copenhagen, Denmark.

BLT 30/5-02 Women photographers in Ronneby

Helsingborg Dagblad 13/6-02 Exhibition Skånska photographers born after 1970.

Bohuslänningen 26/11-01 Art that wants to reflect on the environment

Nöjesguiden may 2001 Doctor Dana does the last round

GT 15/5-01 Exhibition Gothenburg Art Museum

Göteborgs Posten Gränslöst 11/1 2001

Nöjesguidens årsredovisning 2001

Göteborgs Posten 2001
Doctor Dana has stopped caring

…when Dana Sederowsky now exhibits at The Gothenburg Art Museum in Stenasalen under the title: I am so sorry – I don´t care it seems as ´the Doctor´ has quit. Or at least become less altruistic. In a short video-monologue she takes on issues: the self-righteousness in our society, the narrowness of outlook and helplessness. Now someone else has to take care of it. ..the room in the video is cut off by a white tarpaulin which is associated to something temporary. A provisional space without history or future.
Ulrika Stahre

The Life Foundation Artist Grant 2000 Statement by the Jury:
Milou Allerholm, Art Critic, David Elliot, director, Per Huttner, artist, Bo Madestrand, Editor and art critic, John Peter Nilsson, editor, Bill Rubino, chairman and Dagmar Schmidt, grant founder.
In her project Dana Aid, Dana Sederowsky investigates notions of the institutionalisatopn of care and human feeling, especially in the way how uniforms and symbols are representative of power and trust. She is questioning the caring role of the welfare state by highlighting aid as a universal symbol for empathy. By doing this she is directly confronting, in a sardonic way, the relationship between ethical values and lived experience.

Interview at Swedish Radio channel P3, Frank visits Dana Sederowsky at home 2000

Interview Swedish Radio channel P1, about ”Artphotography” with Cindy Sherman, Tuija Lindstrom

Los Angeles Biennal d ´art international winter 2000 by Steve Rockwell

Grant from Helsingborg City 2000: Part of motivation:
Dana has a deep personal engagement and a clear desire to investigate important subjects concearning human existance.
With great familiarity and with many different means of expression, together with a highly developed power of portraying characters, Dana Sederowsky creates important artworks of our time.

Arbetet ny tid 3/6-00

Tidskriften Foto 2000
12 selects 12. Photographers of the future.
Former professor Tuija Lindström at Photoschool, gothenburg University chose Dana:
She has a wonderful faith in art and in herself, which is not that common today. In her performance works and exhibitions with photography, objects and video she dares to try things out, experiment and listen to her intuition.

GT 6/7-99 Doctor Dana conquers the world with her splendid as well as manifest character.

Glänta artmagazine nr 4-99

Göteborgs Posten 11/12-99 Some Dolly Parton and the Muppet show

Absolut Art International Business Wire. July 14th 1999 The Swedish Edge

Zon Magazine 1999

Elle Magazine nr 4-99

Borås Tidning 29/5-99

Trollhättans Tidning 18/6-99

Göteborgs Tidning 6/7-99

Scandinavien Direkt okt-99
…Doctor Danas reception is a game about surfaces, between her faked nurse and the faked patient. it is performance art of a postmodern cut, a trick of illusions.

Aftonbladet Puls 17/10-98 Doctor Danas work of art

Göteborgs Posten Aveny okt 1998
The Doctor and the Blue Diamond
Interview about first soloexhibition at Maneten Gallery Gothenburg 1998
…(about the character) : She is alone in the pictures. If other people are around they are not facing the camera. In order to have the energy to help someone else, be there, come close to another person, the price that she may have to pay is loneliness..this is absolutely not a funny thing to work with, this is not irony, this is totally serious.

Nöjesguiden 1998 Pair of art

Nöjesguiden 1998 Multikulti

Göteborgs Spionen 1997 With a sence of double meanings

Kvällsposten 5/10-97 The photographic representation

Helsingborgs dagblad 12/9-97